
Delfina Margulis
& Martin Heredia


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Through the eyes of two foreigner visitors in a city, Figueres, it is intended to find the multiple existing representations about it and to acknowledge the clash that can be originated by what is shown to tourism as opposed to what its inhabitants and artists tell about it through their own accounts and works of art.

«Current tourism practice depends mainly on communication rather than the trip. The main tenet of communication is immediacy

while, on the contrary, travelers take their time, conjugate verbs, wait, remember» #01

«Bonds with a given place condition and determine our vision about it. Tourism determines the must-sees of cities, places that can´t be missed and then, foreigners shape their visions of a city according to those supposedly representative places» #01

However, when a touristic place belongs to our everyday life it acquires, or inherently has, an emotional value that depends mainly on personal accounts, uses and practices.


Artistic manifestations whose analysis or sensitive interpretation enable a way of thinking in which authors perceive reality from their subjectivity. Every language through which we represent our surroundings implies a cut in itself. Every single representation entails a vision. The dialogic interaction of different representations about a single space reflects its plural nature.
Perception of every single representation might imply the emergence of a new way of viewing.


Live painting of tangibility,
picturizing reality.


When representation
cwith view.


Representations that
our movements.


Live portraits are our own representation of those who gave us their voices to reveal their visions of the city where they live.
«For the existence of landscape not only view is needed but also conscious perception, judgment and, finally, description.
Landscape is the space where a human being describes another human being» #02


«We all have the capacity of “elevate” above our own territory in order to perform a “bird flight” which, from our memories, allows us to reflect and signal diverse themes» #03
Mapping is a tool that allows to rethink our relation with the space we inhabit and to question the hegemonic maps by understanding them as ideological representations. Mapping is a means and not an end in itself. It is a starting point to generate collective reflections and debates that allow the construction of new representations of the space we inhabit. #04
Facing the map means to transfer our vision in more than three dimensions to a black and white sheet conformed by lines.

Everyday space perception is not always related to a grid. Space use by wandering is more related to practices, habit memory and preferences; spatial references are usually sensorial experiences.

Tracing usual routes on the maps enabled us to visualize and, in this way, think the use of the space;

placing the most representative and substantial city places on the map to reflect upon the city for the outside and the city for the inside, the culture for tourism and the culture for inhabitants.

Are the most renowned places of the city the most meaningful ones for its inhabitants?


Teaser del documental Visions of the Way documentary

Audiovisual language is a combination of diverse representation devices that make it an excellent tool to generate a dialogue among these multiple visions that coexist within the same space.


AUGÉ, Marc. El tiempo en ruinas. Gedisa, Editorial. 2003, Barcerlona, España.

AUGÉ, Marc. El tiempo en ruinas. Gedisa, Editorial. 2003, Barcerlona, España.

ICONOCLASISTAS, RISLER, Julia y ARES, Pablo. El uso de mapeos, recursos gráficos y visuales para la construcción de conocimiento colectivo. Publicación web 2014, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

ICONOCLASISTAS. RISLER, Julia y ARES, Pablo. Manual de Mapeo Colectivo. Recursos cartográficos críticos para procesos territoriales de creación colaborativa. Editorial Tinta Limón. 2013, Buenos Aires, Argentina.