ETAC’s Dynamic Form of Expression
Carme Sais

This digital catalogue will contain the results of the first two editions of the ETAC Crossborder Contemporary Art Space artist residency project, led by Bòlit, Contemporary Art Centre. Girona in partnership with Addaya Contemporary Art Centre, Le LAIT Art Centre, La Panacée Contemporary Culture Centre in Montpellier and the Museu de l’Empordà in Figueres, with backing from the Pyrenees-Mediterranean Euroregion. […]

The creative act as resistance
Imma Merino

While I was pondering what to write about in this text, the 20th anniversary of the death of Gilles Deleuze came around on 6th November. With this in mind, I watched the video of a talk given by the philosopher in March 1987 at the La Fémis film school in Paris, entitled “What is a creative act?”, a recurring theme for Deleuze and a mysterious question that beat at the heart of his discourse that day […]

Digital culture in contemporary artistic practice
Cristina Masanés

In contemporary artistic creation, the digital arts have acquired a position of centrality which is now unquestioned. Although initially they represented a change of support and therefore a more instrumental element, with time they have come to transform the very idea of artistic practice. In the first sense, the new digital supports have facilitated the manifestation of some of the basic suppositions which conceptual art […]

Residency programme: requirements and good practice
Jackie-Ruth Meyer

The purpose of proposing residencies is first of all to meet the needs of artists, providing them with suitable workspaces and the means and time necessary to carry out their research and production. They enable artists to benefit from a change of scene, to capture the singular aspects of reality, to master the isolation of research, to become acquainted with various audiences, to take a step back, […]

Art centres as frameworks: the experience of La Panacée
Franck Bauchard

Formerly the Royal School of Medicine of Montpellier, La Panacée opened its doors in June 2013. Shaped by a long history of scientific experimentation, this new cultural institution was designed to respond to the transformations of artistic and cultural practices that do not easily fit into categories and often span different disciplines. […]

The city and territory as the creative laboratories of resident artists
Adonay Bermudez

We are all tourists and artists are no less so. They travel and allow themselves to be moved by the territory they visit, requiring stimuli and searching for merchandising to take home once the (co)existence is over. As opposed to common tourists, who are eager to obtain a fridge magnet or postcard of the typical monument, artists attempt to conceive […]

Javier Chozas

Javier Chozas is an artist who investigates the relation between digital identity or identities and personal identity, how we change our image on networks and how this affects us. In The flight of the glow worms, the artist reflects on the saturation caused by the access to and excess of information on social networks and the internet. He sees us as glow worms lit up by the immediacy, volume of information and lack of privacy afforded by this media […]

Raphael Emine

Raphael Emine presents his works through multimedia installations where video and sculpture cohabit. Both these practices allow him to open a field of reflection and analysis of the process. Eésrevni erèivir al (The River Back to Front) is a video installation which investigates the course and function of water to show us the mysticism, popular beliefs and see how these beliefs have been passed down to us today in a metaphor in which water moves from the past to the present. […]

Jennis Li Cheng Tien

During her residency, Jennis Li Cheng Tien worked on two projects To various degrees and Remember the city by the colors in which she stresses the importance of the river on the urban fabric and how this conditions the city’s inhabitants. In Girona, she carried out Dissipation, an artistic intervention in which four ice blocks melted into the River Onyar, a metaphor for human desire for permanence in the world and the inevitable course of nature. […]

Edith Medina

Edith Medina is a research artist, director and co-ordinator of the Regiones en Expansión platform She is a pioneer in Mexico in the field of research into the relation between art and biotechnology. Her projects, works of art, workshops, educational programmes and documents link education, art and science. Microgeographies: Urban Landscapes (2015) aims to make the micro-reality of urban environments visible and explore the particularities of every place. Using existing objects, she wants to make the territory’s cultural, social and economic aspects visible. […]

Mireia c. Saladrigues

Mireia c. Saladrigues works during her residence at Le LAIT and La Panacée in three outputs and one exhibition: Behaving Unconventionally. Tests #3 and #4, A Specific Representation #2, L’analyse de la vue and Echoes #4, Entre autre Mouvements. Through practical tests and collaborative implementations, she explores trials to deconstruct the (conceptual) architecture of display and the Kantian paradigm of spectatorship. She uses photography, video and installation for researching in the common areas between choreography, sociology and contemporary art. […]

Daniel Gasol

From the junction of the socio-cultural research with artistic production, Daniel Gasol projects explore social processes of construction of reality and identity from the field of the visual studies. […]

Francesca Gatello & Zeno Franchini

During the residency they worked on the topic of soil to trace connections between its microbiological composition and local typicities that define the identity and specific rituals of a territory. A work which combines visual art and scientific research. […]

Amanda Gutiérrez

Her most recent work is formulated in close relation to the esthetic theories presented by the German philosopher Boris Groys, taking in consideration the essay The City in the Age of Touristic Reproduction, in which Groys describes and critiques the artist privilege its mobility to testify the specific circumstances of each city where he or she travels.
Gutiérrez artworks often take the form of a dialogue, seeking to problematize and, ultimately, to record the experience and memory of immigrants […]

Delfina Margulis & Martin Heredia

Visions of the way is an audiovisual essay that intends to generate a reflection about the different ways of approaching and perceiving the urban space we inhabit. The artists studied several types of perception that unfold from the different experiences and bonds experimented by the individuals in the urban space. In order to do so, they collected the visions of individuals with varied degrees of involvement with the city: inhabitants, occasional tourists, resident foreigners, returnees, among others. […]

Maria Tsagkari

Maria’s Tsagkari art is mainly ephemeral, poetic, reflexive and talks about all those things that begin at the same moment we conceive them as concluded. Her work is caracterized by the interplay between the impossible and the paradox. […]

Bòlit. Contemporary Art Centre. Girona

Bòlit. Contemporary Art Centre, has been running research, artistic production and exhibition programmes since 2008. It is an open, participative space offering a service to artists and to the public. It provides support for creative work and artistic production, presents individual and group exhibitions, organises activities and educational programmes, and has a project for artists in residence. […]

Empordà Museum. Figueres

The creation of the Empordà Museum has been associated with Figueres Town Council since it was set up in 1946. However, the history of its collections goes back to the end of the 19th century, when the Ramon Muntaner Institute in Figueres received pieces on deposit from the Prado Museum. This deposit was expanded in 1887 and 1947. The Museum was established on the first floor of the Institute. As soon as it was set up, it began receiving important donations and deposits. […]

The Centre d’art Le LAIT. Albi

A pioneering establishment since the 1980s through its participation in the creation of art centres in France, the Centre d’art Le LAIT, directed by Jackie-Ruth Meyer, is committed to the production of artwork and the support of artists. It works with both emerging and internationally-renowned artists, who are invited to produce new works and exhibitions related to the historical, geographical, architectural or socio-political context, etc. of the intervention sites, especially at the Moulins Albigeois […]


La Panacée, the center for contemporary culture of the City of Montpellier, opened its doors to the public on June 22, 2013. Located in the city center, this venue for contemporary culture emphasizes a cross-disciplinary approach and features exhibitions and events in three main areas: the visual arts, new forms of writing, and digital technology. A platform for creation and experimentation, La Panacée gives audiences of all ages the chance to try out a new relationship to art. […]


Addaya Centre for Contemporary Art is a private facilitythat opened in 2004. It focuses on the promotion and dissemination of contemporary art, offering exhibitions of both established and emerging artists, emphasizing latest trends. Since 2005 runs a project of artists’ residencies. […]

Euroregion Pyrénées-Méditerranée

The Euroregion Pyrénées-Méditerranée was founded on October 2004. It is a cooperative political project involving the regions of Catalonia, the Balearic Islands and Languedoc-Roussillon-Midi-Pyrénées. The aim of the project is to create a sustainable development cluster in the northwestern Mediterranean region based on innovation and the social and economic integration of the territory. […]